Saturday, September 26, 2009

First Experience with Zucchini

My friend looked at me askance when I told her that I had planted four zucchini. I soon learned why she had that reaction. The first blooms produced bright glossy-green squash and we enjoyed them in salads and baked casseroles.
They continued to bloom AND bloom, we began to share the zucchini with friends and neighbors.
Sometimes we were full of zucchini and when the neighbors saw us coming they closed the curtains. As a result the zucchini stayed on the plant longer and longer and grew larger and larger.
In fact one hid under the leaves and went un-noticed well beyond the scheduled picking time.
Surprisingly the giant zucchini was tender and tasteful.
LESSON LEARNED: Two zucchini are enough for a family and friends

1 comment:

Isabelle said...

The zucchini looks so great - HUGE!!! Eat more roasted zucchini for me. The other day Joe just sent me a zucchini bread recipe. I will send it to you.